Karen C Lips, PT

Karen C. Lips, PT
Owner, Physical Therapist & MindBody Practitioner

Karen C. Lips, PT, is a highly effective physical therapist who has been practicing for over 37 years. In 1990 she opened and managed her own practice for 20 years: OrthoSport Health Center in San Diego, California. Over the years through her interaction with other integrative medical practitioners, Karen evolved as a highly effective holistic practitioner, with a strong background in manual therapy, orthopedics, and sports medicine. She is sought after for her expertise in identifying and targeting the source of pain and dysfunction, and her success and innovation resolving difficult musculo-skeletal disorders.

Karen received her degree with honors from Washington University, St. Louis, MO, in 1982, and has since obtained extensive and varied experience from rehabilitation of neurological disorders, to treatment and prevention of orthopedic and sports injuries.

Early in her career Karen worked with professional sports teams in St. Louis and Washington DC, as well as college athletes from both Georgetown and George Washington Universities. While practicing here in the mid 80’s, she also provided services for the Washington Ballet, Virginia Slims Tennis Tournament, local country clubs, as well as the performing artists of the Kennedy and Capital Centers.

Karen returned to the Metropolitan DC area in 2010 to care for an aging parent. After settling back in, and working at facilities in both Chevy Chase and Kensington MD, she decided to open a private, concierge clinic of her own, here in her hometown of Bethesda, MD. Karen was compelled to create a space where she could provide optimal quality care, and have a working model that would allow her to treat her patients in the manner in which she is accustomed, with private, one-on-one sessions that include physical therapy and MindBody holistic techniques.


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